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An Introduction To Local SEO: What Is It And How Does It Benefit Your Houston Business?

An Introduction To Local SEO: What Is It And How Does It Benefit Your Houston Business?

We have previously discussed SEO strategy as part of a winning Houston marketing strategy, but aside from general SEO, there is also local Houston SEO. In this post, we will discuss what local SEO is and how it can help expand your Houston business.

What Is Local Houston SEO

In short, Local SEO is the practice and the process of boosting your Houston business’s (and its website) search engine visibility in your local geographic market. If you are a local business then you need local SEO.


Elements That Make For An Impactful Houston Business Website

Elements That Make For An Impactful Houston Business Website

For just about any Houston business, impactful website design is often a key factor your potential customer considers when deciding whether to buy from you or your competition. These days, a great website must have the following elements:

Short Loading Time

Smartphones have long encouraged businesses to improve their website and better cater to their customers. Today, everyone expects a website to load really quickly. According to SEO marketer Neil Patel, a mere 1-second delay in loading

How Reviews Affect Your Houston Business And How To Handle Negative Ones

How Reviews Affect Your Houston Business And How To Handle Negative Ones

If you’ve read our Guide to Success on Yelp, then you know that reviews talking about your business are a great asset to your brand. However, something that holds Houston business owners back is the worry that bad reviews will destroy the brand they have built. It’s not always this straightforward, though. In this article, we will explain how reviews affect your business and what to do about the bad ones.

How Reviews Impact Your Houston Business

Reviewing forums have taken the world by

Don't Pause Your Houston Marketing During COVID–Low-Cost Ways to Expand Your Business

Don't Pause Your Houston Marketing During COVID–Low-Cost Ways to Expand Your Business

As the economy gradually re-opens and some businesses resume their operations, other businesses are attempting to reduce their expenses. Often, the marketing budget is the first to get cut. This may seem like a good solution in the short-term, but this can actually have devastating effects on the success and expansion of your business. You should try your best to continue with even some of your Houston marketing efforts during COVID-19, so here are two low-cost methods to expand your

An Introductory Guide to SEO Success For Your Houston Business

An Introductory Guide to SEO Success For Your Houston Business

Search Engine Optimization (commonly referred to as SEO) is essentially the practice and the process of ranking on search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. This is the basic definition, but SEO has plenty of other facets to it that make it such an ever-present necessity in your Houston marketing strategy. Although Houston SEO can be complex, knowing the basics is a great way to start expanding your business.

What Is Houston SEO And Why Do Businesses Need It?

Going further in detail

How to Use Instagram as a Video Marketing Tool For Your Houston Business

How to Use Instagram as a Video Marketing Tool For Your Houston Business

If you aren’t very familiar with using video marketing as a facet of your Houston digital marketing strategy, then please feel free to read our article on the subject here. In this article, we will go into more detail on how to utilize video marketing on Instagram.

Instagram is a Powerful Video Marketing Asset

Since its initial launch in 2010, Instagram has come a long way. Today, it is one of the top platforms for video, and, according to Business Insider, as of Q4 in 2018 Instagram

How to Make Your Houston Business Stand Out Against the Competition With Houston Marketing

How to Make Your Houston Business Stand Out Against the Competition With Houston Marketing

Houston’s a major city, and with major cities comes tight competition between businesses, making it increasingly difficult to stand out. How then, do you make sure you stand out? Is it even possible to? Possible, yes; but it does take a lot of creative thinking. Luckily, though, our team of Houston marketing strategists thrives on our creative thinking. Here’s how you can make your brand stand out against your competitors.

Stand Out With Your Pricing

Pricing, which seems like the easiest way

Why You Should Consider Adding Photography to Your Houston Marketing Strategy

Why You Should Consider Adding Photography to Your Houston Marketing Strategy

We recently discussed video marketing as part of your Houston digital marketing strategy, but photography is another option that can elevate your brand and make your marketing strategy that much more effective. You know the saying–a picture is worth a thousand words, and according to this survey done by Adobe, 41% say that beautiful images help create a positive experience. Here are some other reasons why photography as part of your digital marketing strategy WORKS.

Photography in Marketing

The Houston Business Owner's Guide to Success on Yelp (Part 3)

The Houston Business Owner's Guide to Success on Yelp (Part 3)

Yelp is a customer review forum that has become quite an asset for business owners. If your business is found on Yelp, it can boost your Houston SEO ranking while also giving you direct access to the opinions your customers have of you. When used wisely, Yelp helps you as a business owner improve your product/service and strengthen your brand, making it a valuable component of your Houston digital marketing strategy. Here are the last few steps you should take if you want to be successful on

Tried and True Methods to Keep Visitors on Your Houston Business Website

Tried and True Methods to Keep Visitors on Your Houston Business Website

At INFINI Marketing, we treat your website as the anchor for the rest of your Houston marketing strategy. If you decide to only hire us for Houston SEO, Google Ads or any other digital advertising work, your ad campaign will lead to your website, and if your website isn’t up to par with what the customer needs and expects, then your campaign may be for naught. Because of this, we take Houston web design very seriously, so if you want to attract visitors to your website and engage them long

Writing Content to Improve Your Houston Business Website SEO Ranking

Writing Content to Improve Your Houston Business Website SEO Ranking

SEO is one of the key components that make up a successful Houston marketing strategy. Unfortunately, some believe it is no longer necessary, which makes them feel a sense of relief over the idea that they don’t have to worry about it. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. SEO is extremely powerful, but it’s difficult to understand and do successfully, so here are just some of our tips for writing content that improves your SEO rank, especially when combined with beautiful, modern

Houston Video Marketing: What is it and How to Successfully Incorporate it in Your Houston Marketing Strategy

Houston Video Marketing: What is it and How to Successfully Incorporate it in Your Houston Marketing Strategy

If you aren't that familiar with the concept of video marketing, you’ve certainly witnessed it. Video marketing takes place on all of the major social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter. Today we'll discuss Youtube and Facebook.

What is Video Marketing

Video marketing is the use of videos to market your product or service by increasing user engagement on the social media channels your Houston SMB brand is active on. 

By incorporating video into your