Make your Houston web design more accessible

Creating a website that is accessible to all users, regardless of disabilities or impairments, is essential for ensuring inclusivity and providing a positive user experience. By implementing Houston web design tactics to enhance accessibility, you can reach a wider audience and demonstrate a commitment to equitable access to information. INFINI Marketing implements Houston web design accessibility features to drive your business forward.

Prioritize Clear and Intuitive Navigation

Clear and intuitive navigation in Houston web design is crucial for users to find and access content easily. Our Houston marketing agency structures your navigation menus logically, using descriptive labels that accurately represent the content of each page. We maintain consistent navigation across all pages of your site to help users predict where they'll find information.

Optimize Color Contrast for Readability

Color contrast is essential for users with visual impairments or color blindness to distinguish between different elements on your Houston web design. Color combinations with sufficient contrast ensure readability for all users. Color contrast checkers are used to evaluate and adjust your color combinations to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Provide Descriptive Alternative Text for Images

Images play a significant role in Houston web design, but they can present accessibility challenges for users who rely on screen readers or have visual impairments. Our Houston marketing company includes descriptive alternative text (alt text) for all images to allow these users to understand the purpose and content of each image. Alt text should be concise and descriptive, providing essential information about the image's content or function. 

Ensure Keyboard Accessibility

Many users navigate the web using only a keyboard, making keyboard accessibility a critical consideration in Houston web design. Interactive elements, such as links, buttons, and form fields, should be accessible via keyboard navigation. Using the "tab" key to navigate through your site's content in a logical order ensures that users can access all interactive elements without requiring a mouse. 

Make Forms User-Friendly

Forms are a common feature of Houston web design, used for various purposes such as contact forms, registration, and feedback collection. Designing accessible forms ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can interact with them easily. Labeling form fields clearly and associating each label with its corresponding input field is a good practice for your Houston digital marketing campaign. 

Make Your Houston Web Design More Accessible With the AccessiBe Plugin

Our Houston marketing agency utilizes the accessiBe plugin to cater to the needs of people with various disabilities. Accessibility is key to ensuring that everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, has equal access to information and opportunities online. As your Houston marketing company, we can ensure your website meets the WCAG 2.1, or the most current version, standards at the AA level. We implement various Houston web design features, such as:

  • Optimization for screen readers and keyboard navigation
  • Accurate alternative text descriptions to images
  • Adjustments for readable fonts, sizing, and spacing
  • Adjustments for color contrast, cursors, and emphasis
  • Text transcripts for audio and captions or subtitles for video content

Try Out AccessiBe for More Accessible Houston Web Design

Adding an inclusivity plugin to your Houston web design enhances your customers’ experience, broadens your audience, improves SEO, and demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility. As part of your Houston digital marketing campaign, you can choose to add the accessiBe plugin to your existing website. Simply get in touch with our Houston marketing agency to start making your brand more inclusive. As your partner in brand expansion, INFINI Marketing is here to provide the tools for you to create a lasting impact on the world. Contact us today to try out accessiBe!