Just Some Stats on Why You MUST Use Video Marketing
Unless you currently live under rocks or in a far off country on a very different planet than ours, which would be Earth, then you know very well that video plays a huge role in daily life. Think how many social media platforms focus primarily on video: SnapChat, YouTube, Instagram (pretty much). And has there ever been more TV shows and TV platforms than there are right now? It seems every outlet, regardless of size, is pushing video, shows and even full-fledged movies. And now we must look at marketing. The following stats will show that video is necessary in marketing just as much as anywhere else.


According to HubSpot, 78% of people watch an online video at least once per week, while 55% of people watch one every single day. Are you going for regular people, like your typical consumer? Then that stat is very important. But what about reaching the outliers? The decision-makers? Well, check out this stat: 59% of executives say they would much prefer to watch a video than read text—that comes from Wordstream.


Having video content is very important, and according to Blue Corona, there have been more videos uploaded in the past 30 days, than there have been TV content in the past 30 years. That’s insane! Having a platform for these videos is essential. Your business website, your social media pages, and in your emails. One thing to be certain of is that you better be sure all your videos can be played mobily, since that is where 51% of viewers watch their videos, according to Adelie Studios. What does this mean? Make sure your website is mobile compatible.


Now for some more sick video stats that will tell you exactly where your target is. More than a billion people are on YouTube (according to YouTube). Half a billion people watch a Facebook video every day (according to Tubular Insights). If you are aiming for the hyper-young generation, then consider SnapChat. Those users consume more than 10 billion videos per day, according to AdWeek. And to cover all generations (well, almost all generations), 82% of Twitter users watch at least one video per day on the platform (according to Twitter). And while you’re at it, you might want to check out the relatively new video platform Periscope. Would you like to have your content shared with others? Then don’t rely on texts or photos. Rely on video. Videos on social media receive 1200% more shares compared to the other two, according to Wordstream.


Video marketing is the single most powerful method to spreading the good news about your business, whether it is your product, service, or info about your company. If you don’t know how to make good videos or simply don’t have the capacity to create them, then contact our Houston video marketing company today. We will help you get your video marketing going so you can reap the benefits—and there are tons of benefits.